Friday, September 19, 2008

Blacks against Obama

Blacks against Obama protesters have ran riot if only briefly, during Obama's rally in Coral Gables, apparently there was short protest and sign waving during Barry's speech (bout 5 minutes into it). It is reported that there were around 20 Black men standing and shouting "Barack go home" and jumping up and down with signs like "Blacks Against Obama", "Jessie [sic] Jackson hates Obama for Federal Child Support Act" and possibly the most controversial "Obama is endorsed by KKK."

Michael the Black Man, is apparently in charge and this isn't his first of such appearances, Michael was also flanked with his two sexy ladies, Michael was hushed away from the crowd and continued to cry out "Obama's a man who completely disagrees with God," he yelled, "and he wants to put women in charge!" .... allegedly Michaels hate stems from the fact that 35% of all abortions are of the black male and Obama is a supposed supporter of a partial abortion Michael said "He believes in partial birth abortion where you stick a needle in a baby's head-- out of the womb-- and collapse it's head! It's completely wrong and insane!"

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